Other forms of assistance

Diverse hulpvragen

There are many forms of pro bono support available which are not always easy to categorize. Are you unsure whether your legal question or need qualifies for pro bono support? Send us an email, we are happy to help!

Other forms of assistance

There are many forms of pro bono support available which are not always easy to categorize. Are you unsure whether your legal question or need qualifies for pro bono support? Send us an email, we are happy to help!

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

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