Our team

Our team

Pleased to meet you!

Pro Bono Connect consists of a committed team of professionals. Our office is located in the Amsterdam Law Hub.

Pleased to meet you!

Pro Bono Connect consists of a committed team of professionals. Our office is located in the Amsterdam Law Hub.

Gerjanne Leeuwis

Project Coordinator

Karlijn Bos

Project Officer

Cindy Broekhuijsen

Communications Officer

Gerjanne Leeuwis

Project Coordinator

Karlijn Bos

Project Officer

Cindy Broekhuijsen

Communications Officer

Are you interested in joining our team?  Check our news page and social media for vacancies.

Are you interested in joining our team?  Check our news page and social media for vacancies.

Advisory Council

Pro Bono Connect is advised by an Advisory Council. Its members are independent experts with work experience in the field of law and/or civil society organisations. 

Pro Bono Connect is advised by an Advisory Council. Its members are independent experts with work experience in the field of law and/or civil society organisations. 


  • Arpi Avetisjan
  • Janneke Bazelmans
  • Adam van Bergeijk
  • Irene Bloemen
  • Martijn Dekker 
  • Daun Hwang
  • Doutje Lettinga
  • Popeye Mulders
  • Annemieke Zwanenburg


  • Arpi Avetisjan
  • Janneke Bazelmans
  • Adam van Bergeijk
  • Irene Bloemen
  • Martijn Dekker 
  • Daun Hwang
  • Doutje Lettinga
  • Popeye Mulders
  • Annemieke Zwanenburg

Advisory Council

Pro Bono Connect is advised by an Advisory Council. Its members are independent experts with work experience in the field of law and/or civil society organisations. 



  • Arpi Avetisjan
  • Janneke Bazelmans
  • Adam van Bergeijk
  • Irene Bloemen
  • Daun Hwang
  • Doutje Lettinga
  • Popeye Mulders
  • Annemieke Zwanenburg
  • Martijn Dekker 

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

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