Pro bono in Europe

Pro bono in Europe

On this page you can find various organisations that can give you insight into the pro bono landscape of Europe.

On this page you can find various organisations that can give you insight into the pro bono landscape of Europe.

PILnet is a global network dedicated to providing pro bono legal assistance to NGOs.

PILnet is a global network dedicated to providing pro bono legal assistance to NGOs.

Pro Bono Connect is active in a partnership of clearinghouses throughout Europe (coordinated by PILnet): The European Pro Bono Alliance. This allows us to exchange knowledge and experiences and, where necessary, refer pro bono requests.

Pro Bono Connect is active in a partnership of clearinghouses throughout Europe (coordinated by PILnet): The European Pro Bono Alliance. This allows us to exchange knowledge and experiences and, where necessary, refer pro bono requests.

The Global Nonprofits Guide is a free resource that provides an overview classified by country of legislation regarding nonprofit organisations.

The Global Nonprofits Guide is a free resource that provides an overview classified by country of legislation regarding nonprofit organisations.

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

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