Intake process

Fill in our intake form

The Pro Bono Connect team contacts you

Pro Bono Connect assesses whether the requesting organisation or initiative and their request meet our criteria

Request and organisation meet criteria

Request and organisation do not meet criteria

Pro Bono Connect submits the requests to one of our partner firms

Pro Bono Connect refers you to others who may be able to assist you further

The law firm accepts the request. Pro Bono Connect puts you in contact with the pro bono lawyer.

The request is not taken on by one of our affiliated law firms

Intake schedule eng

Wij controleren of binnengekomen juridische hulpvragen passen binnen het kader van Pro Bono Connect en nemen samen met de indiener het verzoek door aan de hand van de volgende criteria:


Is het verzoek of de organisatie gericht op verbetering van de mensenrechten?


Zo niet, streeft de organisatie een doel na dat het algemeen belang dient?


Zo niet, dient het verzoek zelf een maatschappelijk belang of is het van strategisch belang voor de organisatie?


Heeft de verzoeker beperkte financiële mogelijkheden, waardoor betaalde juridisch bijstand uitblijft?


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Soms voldoet een organisatie of verzoek aan géén van bovenstaande criteria, maar besluiten wij toch het verzoek in overweging te nemen. Wij leggen het verzoek dan voor aan het bestuur van Pro Bono Connect en/of aan onze adviesraad alvorens het verzoek wordt doorgestuurd naar een advocatenkantoor.

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Indien wij een verzoek ontvangen van een B.V. of andere organisatie met winstoogmerk controleren wij aan de hand van onze Criteria Sociale Ondernemingen of betreffende organisatie en verzoek in aanmerking komen voor behandeling door Pro Bono Connect.


Als geen van de bovenstaande criteria of uitzonderingen op jou van toepassing zijn verwijzen wij je graag door naar andere hulporganisaties.

Het verzoek vertalen naar een juridische vraag

Indien nodig helpen wij de indiener van het verzoek met het duidelijk formuleren van de juridische vraag of het opsommen van de relevante feiten. Wanneer het verzoek het Nederlands recht overstijgt, kunnen we onze clearinghouse-collega’s in andere landen benaderen. Klik hieronder voor een overzicht van vormen van hulp door advocaten.

Pro Bono Connect mediates requests from organisations and initiatives that work for the public good and commit to positive social impact and promoting respect for human rights. Unsure if your organisation qualifies for pro bono support? Send us a message, and we will look at the possibilities together.

Sometimes a legal request is immediately clear, in other cases it may be nice to discuss it with us. If necessary, we can help you clearly formulate your legal question or clarify the relevant facts.

Pro Bono Connect mediates requests from organisations and initiatives that work for the public good and commit to positive social impact and promoting respect for human rights. Unsure if your organisation qualifies for pro bono support? Send us a message, and we will look at the possibilities together.

Sometimes a legal request is immediately clear, in other cases it may be nice to discuss it with us. If necessary, we can help you clearly formulate your legal question or clarify the relevant facts.

Submitting the request to a partner firm

Our partner firms each have their own areas of expertise and capacity to take on pro bono work. We approach the firm that best fits the request. In cases that are urgent, we may approach multiple firms. We also do this with requests that lend themselves well to collaboration involving multiple firms. Upon receiving a request, the law firm checks whether it fits within their internal pro bono policy, capacity and expertise, and checks for conflicts of interest. Once a firm has accepted a request, the pro bono lawyer and requesting party are introduced. From that point on, Pro Bono Connect is no longer involved. We do remain available for questions. With some requests it is necessary or useful to involve other legal experts: e.g. academics, university law clinics, other civil society organisations with relevant expertise and experience. We always do this in consultation with the requesting party. 

Submitting the request to a partner firm

Our partner firms each have their own areas of expertise and capacity to take on pro bono work. We approach the firm that best fits the request. In cases that are urgent, we may approach multiple firms. We also do this with requests that lend themselves well to collaboration involving multiple firms. Upon receiving a request, the law firm checks whether it fits within their internal pro bono policy, capacity and expertise, and checks for conflicts of interest. Once a firm has accepted a request, the pro bono lawyer and requesting party are introduced. From that point on, Pro Bono Connect is no longer involved. We do remain available for questions. With some requests it is necessary or useful to involve other legal experts: e.g. academics, university law clinics, other civil society organisations with relevant expertise and experience. We always do this in consultation with the requesting party. 

Identifying trends in pro bono needs and knowledge exchange

When we receive multiple requests on a similar topic over an extended period of time, we respond by organising thematic workshops, meetings and online calls in which participants can learn more about the topic and engage with each other. Additionally, we host an annual pro bono round table for partner law firms, as well as a similar event with civil society. These round table exchanges allow us to discuss the legal challenges and potential contribution of pro bono. Click below for all of our upcoming events.

Identifying trends in pro bono needs and knowledge exchange

When we receive multiple requests on a similar topic over an extended period of time, we respond by organising thematic workshops, meetings and online calls in which participants can learn more about the topic and engage with each other. Additionally, we host an annual pro bono round table for partner law firms, as well as a similar event with civil society. These round table exchanges allow us to discuss the legal challenges and potential contribution of pro bono. Click below for all of our upcoming events.

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

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