Topics & examples

Topics & examples

Pro bono lawyers are committed to achieving social impact. They can assist your organisation through research, advice or strategic litigation on social issues. In many cases, our partner firms can help with questions in the field of rental law, intellectual property law, IT law, employment law, corporate issues, privacy, contracts, tax law and administrative law questions.

Pro bono lawyers are committed to achieving social impact. They can assist your organisation through research, advice or strategic litigation on social issues. In many cases, our partner firms can help with questions in the field of rental law, intellectual property law, IT law, employment law, corporate issues, privacy, contracts, tax law and administrative law questions.


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What others say about us

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

Phone number

020 5254416

E-mail address


Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018 WV Amsterdam

Postal address

Mailbox 2143
1000 CS Amsterdam

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